Knitting baby shower gift in just 3 weeks
After her attempts of knitting some garments and having some WIPs on needles, June finally decided that having hands-on personalized knitting guidance would be the way to go -- to learn how to knit properly. So she came armed with a knitting pattern she want to work on.
June's best friend is having a baby due sometime later this year which means she'll also be invited to the baby shower.
So to get a head-start, June decided to create a gift for her friend's baby -- in Singapore, we're allow to do baby gender scans so she knows it's a baby gal.
Back to the gift: Can you identify what this is?
Apart from learning how to read the pattern from scratch, June also had to contend with re-adjusting her knitting tension --She pointed out that she has a completed tank top hanging in her wardrobe which she never got around to wearing as it's too tightly knitted.
Knitting almost became a chore at one stage as she had to battle with the needle pointy ends poking at her fingertips during the entire duration.
After doing posture and needle holding technique correction, June now finds that her knitting is zipping along much faster and more comfortably.
In fact, so much so she got the knitting of the baby girl's sun hat completed in just 3 weeks.*
During the course of her KIP-ping (knit in progress), she came back to have me help review her work and ensure that the project is on track (from a pattern and row count standpoint.)
Impressive speed huh?
June is over the moon with her newfound knitting tension which she swears makes her knitting a breeze (and she wonders why others can knit for hours on end) and especially her ability to create an oh-so-incredibly-adorable baby gift handknit too.
Now, I reckon she needs to slow down her reveal before her mom-to-be friends start issuing her handknits wishlists!
* As with all knitting, your mileage may vary. Knitting completion time is dependent on each individual's knitting speed and time commitment to make speedy finish line crossing a reality.
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