Handknit baby projects with cute buttons

This is the cute vest that Jenny knitted up (see the earlier entry in which I wrote about her work in progress.) This is how it looks like when stitched up. See the cute B-O-Y buttons that she sewed in? Way adorable!
When coming to buttons, we girls simply fall head over heels over those irresistibly cute ones. And they mostly end up on baby and toddler projects simply because we are in a dilemma -- we those love them so but these buttons just don't look quite as appropriate on adult garments.

At one stage, Leena is so fed up by her button quest that she decided to get some online -- it was quite a bulk purchase -- I remember she told me she ended with something in the range of a 100+ buttons at least!
Not too surprising. Unless you already have projects in mind and have nailed down the specific buttonhole counts, it's always better to err on the side of caution by having some extras.

Look at the bear buttons she's got on this one. Aren't they just simply darling?