Hit by speedsters!

She started the pattern from VK Spring/Summer 07.

And in just barely 2 months, she has gotten it completed.

This is another simultaneous project she was working on (I did mention previously that she's also a regular multi-tasker eh?)-- isn't the ribbon yarn pretty?

We were deliberating between making it a skirt or a capelet. A really tough choice since it's pretty either way. I adore those colors!
Then she finally also got around to seaming up the lace top.

Ta da!

It's the same one as Chai Bee has knitted.

We also had new speed queens onboard.Jill, who is at the moment, faceless on this blog -- started a simple chic sleeveless tank top. And she pretty much finished it in just 3 weeks! An FO photo is really in order. Her number 3 project is this lace pattern that she is working in the round with this bamboo variegated yarn.

If Jill knits for herself, Jamie is one who loves knitting for others.

She's our latest knitting fanatic. Her first project is one meant for her other half.

Can you make a guess on the time she took?

An extremely breathtaking speed of 4 weeks!
We're talking about a lady who works 9 to 5 professionally! I am just so impressed with her persistence! In case you are wondering, she also has knitted up several projects and is now in the midst of 2 sweaters! More photos next....
Actually, going by the number of FOs we have from the various ladies, there's enough photos for me to even write up individual blog entries for them! There's more from Chai Bee, Jenny and Leena (including Susan, who does an occasional blog appearance) -- continual knitting is the common thread!It's just a wonderful thing to be able to slow down our pace a little in this hectic world and create something with our hands, don't you agree? Sharing is sexy