An intermission -- Week long knitting
Yvonne had a horror story to tell. Her dog chewed up the yarn she brought home the first time despite them being stored in a ziploc bag and placed on the table. She told me it's because her dog wanted attention. I don't reckon the dog swallowed any; Yvonne saw all the mangled pieces. But seriously, the moral of the story:
If you have any pets at home, please be mindful when it comes to storing your WIPs.

Still, Yvonne kept her cool and continued knitting.
Fonny had this great project coming close to completion.

This is a lovely ribbon yarn from Lang which we special ordered. And the design? It's the usual case of "let's try something new; can we incorporate a feature cable that runs along the neckline and also some slimming rib along the sides?" That's right; a creation from scratch.
Tracie is also starting on the front pieces of her work.

Chai Bee also dropped by to show the lace hem she's been working on.

They are both concentrating really hard on their projects.

See how lovely it is? I am beginning to think that green must be Chai Bee's all time favorite! She mentioned that her green cardi is almost ready sans the crocheted flowers -- we had a look and of course, once again, take the liberty of minisculing the motifs so they won't overwhelm.
I can't wait to see the cardi! Sharing is sexy