Girl riot!
We did indeed have a big turnout last Sunday. To be precise, there's 6 1/2 gals who turned up!
There's Eunice, Felicia, Chai Bee, Diana, Jollin and Leena.
That 1/2 in question didn't show up in the photo which we took at the start of the session -- that's Esther. In fact when she walked to our doorway, she said, "I could hear you gals loud and clear from the stairs!" *blush* (Next time, I am going close the door to keep our laughters & chatter from travelling too far.)
As you can see, most of the gals are still working on their projects. Jollin's already working on seaming her pink top.
That is Eunice with her first lace project attempt in the background. We are so glad that FeliciW could come; we haven't seen her for a while as she's busy with her University project. And of course, she has choose to zone out a bit by browsing yarn cards as well.

Our Queen of Speed is still working on her dress which is looking much better.

We had Leena put on the dress a bit after she has put it into washing just to determine the length she's comfortable with. So just another couple more inches and we should be really done! Isn't the would-be dress amazing?
Just as we are going ga-ga over her works of arts, the reigning Speed Goddess pulled out another project from her bag.

[We are beginning to think that her bag probably belongs to a magician; she keeps pulling out amazing pieces of work from it! Not to mention her speeding needles!]
That's the Top Soft yarn Leena has taken 2 weeks ago. Her knitted tank top is all done except for the armholes and neckline. In fact, just 2 days ago (on Tuesday), Leena SMS'ed me to tell me her garment is all finished and ready to go into the washing machine!
Everyone is asking Leena how she manages to produce so many FOs (Finished Objects) -- Felicia and Eunice counted 12! Her reply?
Everyone is asking Leena how she manages to produce so many FOs (Finished Objects) -- Felicia and Eunice counted 12! Her reply?
"I knit 30mins on the daily commute. I bring a project around so if I have some waiting or sitting around time, I'll sneak in some knitting."
Looks like Leena has incorporated knitting as part of her lifestyle. Kudos to her!
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