Slowly and readily
Just last week, prior to the start of the lesson, Leena and I went to my favorite chicken rice stall for lunch.
Jenny came over once she has dropped her kids at their cousin's. And of course she has to do this:
And of course, Jenny had to crochet something to match her new bag...that little thing she's working on.
Which turns out to be a cute little coin purse!
Like it?
Like it?

She even lined the inside too!
By the way, Leena is now officially known as the *Hat girl* here at The Handiworks!

This is her second crocheted beret. Wanna see the unique feature?

Love all the squares!
In fact, Leena is so hooked (metaphorically and literally [grin]) that a third piece is being started -- this time for her fiance dearest. Who says knitters are selfish?
And of course, Leena has to cast on a new project for herself too in that ooh-so-gorgeous yarn that's just newly arrived! Apart from working on her current projects, the new cast on will surely be a distraction because the big guage just speeds up everything!

By the time Leena has worked on it for about an hour, she's gotten 2 inches of work done!
Esther also got into the act too by working on a baby top for her little girl. Delightfully fluffy and fast-going in the same yarn too.

If you think we have been a bit under the radar, check out the various project yarns that are piling up!

We have the following projects in the pipeline:
- a dress
- a spaghetti top
- 2 tank tops
- a long sleeved top
- a shrug
How exciting!