Crochet in the spotlight
When Gaia first contacted us back in May, she was really excited and psyched up to learn crochet. She was so smitten by the various granny square inspired skirts she saw in the stores that she wanted to pick up the art of crochet and master the skill in order to make her own skirt.
She grasped the concept of crochet rather quickly. In fact, to accelerate her learning, I taught her using a combined learning system of having paired the crochet symbol abbreviations along with the Japanese crochet craft symbols.
She had some slight problems with tension that was quickly overcome with the swatch work she was doing during her first lesson. Obviously, having a private individual setting helped as I was able to sit close and observe the way Gaia was handling the crochet work and provide immediate remedy instructions.
After the first lesson, she was able to read the crochet symbols required for the granny square pattern she chose and work them from scratch.
In fact, she's pretty quick with her hands. She had some squares all ready within 2 weeks or so for her second crochet class. I would consider her rather gifted as all the stitches that one has to master in order to work a granny square usually means that the first lesson would take an average of 3 hours or more -- mostly four hours, to be on the safe side; given that a combination of several stitches would be used during the crochet work, meaning the customer needs to be very confident.

Initially, she was concerned that the squares all looked wonky. She was worried that they would not align and seam up nicely and neatly as they should.
Just so to convince her, we actually started on the crochet edge join seaming technique immediately. Once the squares fell into place, she visibly relaxed.

For the pattern she was working on, we decided on a granny square motif which she would crochet two different size variations to cater to Gaia's project needs. It was decided that the smaller squares would go onto the waist band edge while the large ones would trim the skirt hem.

And the main bulk of the skirt? She decided that with the basic knitting skills she previously acquired, she could knit it up fairly easily.
Talk about a crochet and knitting hybrid project!