Knitting hexagons as a capelet shawl
Actually, I wasn't the first to start this trend.
Sometime back in July last year (that seems eons ago...), Chai Bee actually embarked on a pretty advanced version of the hexagons. It was from a VK knitting magazine --

You can see how each hexagon comes with eyelets and looks very much pinwheel-like!

And as we have this pieced together, we realized that given our finer gauge, we will not be able to have the capelet fit as the way it is intended in the magazine.
Hence the quest for modification begins.

Isn't it a fascinating project?
Chai Bee picked this project for a couple of reasons:
1. This project required a circular cast on -- something she has not learned.
2. And given it is all hexagonal pieces, the project is very much portable.
3. Most importantly, we knew from the beginning we weren't going to achieve gauge, so this patchwork style project allows us to experiment with the shaping to ensure best fit.

Once all the pieces are seamed and in place, then a proper wash and iron will set the finished project and unveil its beauty. That's the thing with cotton, a good steam block is necessary most of the time to lend a refined look during the final step.
As for how it turns out, that reminds me -- I'll have to go ask her for an FO photo!
PS. Don't forget our Knitting / Crochet Preview is on this coming Sat 10am! We are now oversubscribed and the session is closed for further registration. However, if you are interested to attend our future previews, do email me your name and mobile number and we'll contact you. Sharing is sexy