Wearable crochet squares
Mention crochet granny squares, and the mental pictures one conjures of are usually:
- table-cloths
- table runners
- table napkins
- blankets
But Louise was pretty ambitious.
When she knew she was going away, she decided to plunge into learning crochet. An extra skill wouldn't hurt.
Initially, it was a crochet skirt pattern that caught her eye. But as the time neared for her impeding move, we decided that the project would probably not be advisable.
Hence, we decided to change strategies.
So lo and behold!
Here's the FO she created instead. I helped her with the edging for an added finishing look.

An incredibly chic and eye-catching crochet granny square scarf in coordinating colors to match her hat (in the previous post)!
Isn't it stunning? While Louise may have been a knitter for a while, this is actually her first crochet project attempt. And it definitely came in handy during this winter!
As you can see, little squares combined can provide all sorts of possibilities! Sharing is sexy