Knitted garments on mannequins or live models?
Hence, the black mannequin. It's definitely much more handy and useful as the mannequin provides the form needed to drape the garment effectively. But then again, the major flaw is that the mannequin is just a single size dressform that isn't catered to each of our individual body shapes.
But hey, we'll agree that's a major improvement over the flat lays previously!
Here's 2 of Susan's fabulous garments that she completed a little while ago, just around CNY.

In fact, this is the very first project that she started with us.

See how fitted and shapely it is? (No clips and pins on the back...!) Susan's a real petite lady and this top fits her really well. In fact, she is very awed by the fact that her knitted tops *now* fit. If I could convince her to show you some of the previous projects, you can see the difference for yourself.
Susan is a lady who is all about lace and frills so this next project is so her.

She is a really diligent and dedicated customer too. In fact, I really have to thank her for her implicit trust in my recommendations of patterns, garment styles and yarns -- like the rest of the ladies, Susan shares a lot in terms of her likes and dislikes of garment styles and colors.
It makes it so much easier when it comes to pointing her to future patterns she might want to work on.
Jenny is another fun lady to be with too. She has a fine knit garment that was finished in time for CNY too.

Originally from Rowan issue 37, this is the photo of the modelled garment -- which, unfortunately, does not show the back. This is a halterneck pattern and we hadn't realized it until we are well into the pattern.

However, Jenny has taken such a liking to the pattern sans the low back (she wanted a more modest top) that I went ahead and did the appropriate modifications on the upper part just for her. Again, kudos for her implicit trust as she knew that any drastic modifications may mean additional ripping back if the new re-works don't meet our expectations or if she doesn't like the style (not to mention that I can be really fussy at times. [grin])

Personally I loved the way the new collar turned out!
Now, if only Susan and Jenny would let me take the photos of them actually wearing the finished garments, that would be fantastic, wouldn't you agree? Sharing is sexy