Start and restart
For some, it could be getting a project finished; all flaws accepted and loved.
Others take time to and re-read pattern instructions...measure, measure and measure for fit.
The rest are totally reckless stitchers -- it's all about the dash to the finish line. But they do an abrupt halt just before the finish line, re-evaluate and will brutally rip out their work if the WIP does not meet their personal standards. And they'll happily re-start.
Speaking of re-starters, there's a few of them amongst our customers.
Jenny is one of them. The project below was started late last year.

This project was created from scratch. We just referenced some patterns for inspiration and Jenny decided that she wanted to go for a knitting/crochet hybrid sleeveless top.
And so the crochet came and went. Knitting continued.
Then the project went under the radar for the longest while and only resurfaced recently. The knitting is not just almost done.

In fact, with the shoulder straps all knitted up, it's closure time.

Just when I happily thought I can blog on Jenny's FO -- she decided to break the news...
It was back to square one.
Despite being close to finishing, she felt that the project is still not ideal. And so she ripped back....back to the crochet border.
It does take a tremendous amount of courage to frog almost an entire project and restart.
Some of us all probably throw the WIP down and stamp on it in a fit of anger.
Others may groan, shriek, wail and cry buckets.
Only a few will bravely take the view that it'll all be for the better and move forward.
Here's a big round of applause for Jenny!
Sharing is sexy